K-Cultural Heritage 1 Page > Little Korea


Everlasting Legacies of Korea

  • 2001.6.30
    designated date
    Anseom Danggut is a type of Punggeogut that wishes for the well-being of the village and a good harvest of fish. It is said that it began about 350 years ago, although the literature does not tell the exact origin.

    Anseom Island in Songak-myeon was originally an island in the northwest of Dangjin-gun, but it became a land-based reclamation project. Fishermen here held a ritual to pray for safety and a good harvest before going fishing. Every year from the first day of the first lunar month, Danggut is held on the first day of the first day of the first day of the first lunar month, and every other year, 제로span class='xml2' onmouseover='up2 (1206)'onmouseout='dn2(()대대대대 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어小小小小小小小 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 나누어 Soje is held in the form of spspan class='xml2' onmouseover='up2(1103)' onmouseout='dn2()'dn2()>Danggut 참여하는/spanan, in which shamans participate during the Daeje.

    The structure and character of the Anseom Dangje are the most representative of the community faith in the fishing village on the west coast, and the folklore meaning and value are very great.