Yongjeon Deul Song No.22, Intangible Cultural Property of Gwangju Metropolitan City +
Classification |
Intangible Cultural Property |
Designated date |
2014.7.24 |
location |
Buk-gu, Gwangjugwangyeok-si |
< The status of the Yongjondang Song Preservation Society >
Number of members: 70 people
市 Designated as Intangible Cultural Property No. 22 (Yongjeon Deul Song): July 24, 2014.
Origin: Deul-sori (labor song) that was sung in Yongjeon-dong until the end of the 1960s, but was discontinued, former Chairman Kim Dong-eon and the late Ji Chun-sang, honorary professor at Chonnam National University, discovered Jae-hyun ("99.6) after two years of testimony.
Group name: Jisan Yongjeondeul Song Preservation Society → Sa) Jisan Yongjeondeul Sound Preservation Society
→ 사)용전들노래보존회('12.6)
Major water performance
- Grand Prize for the 1st ('99.7) and 9th ('07.6) Gwangju Folk arts Festival
- The 40th Korean Folk arts Festival Award (Prime Minister of State): '99.7
- The 48th Korean Folk arts Festival Gold Award (Minister of Culture and Tourism Award): '07.6
- The 56th Korean Folk arts Festival Gold Award (Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Award): '15.10
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