Chungnam Intangible Cultural Property No.31 Hongseong Daengdaengyijang


Everlasting Legacies of Korea

Chungnam Intangible Cultural Property No.31 Hongseong Daengdaengyijang +

Classification Intangible Cultural Property
Designated date 2000.9.20
location Hongseong-gun, Chungcheongnam-do
The vines are called Yongrin (dragon), Sangchundeung (常春藤), and Mokbanggi (木防己) in Chinese characters.
Depending on the province, it is called Jang Tae-mi or Jang Dre-mi in Gyeongnam, and Dangdang, Jeongdeung, and Jeong-dong in Jeju.

The stems of the Dengue vines are durable and very elastic, have features that bend well in wet conditions, and are the most advantageous of the full-crafted materials.

Also, the diameter of the stem is less than 2mm, so the texture of the artifact is delicate and fine. Due to these advantages, our ancestors made and used the tripe, spoonbills, baskets, and vegetables from early on.

However, as all traditional handicrafts did in the midst of the rapid wave of industrialization, the function of the dengue-tung-tung-tung craft gradually became disconnected. In a four-year straw and grass craft survey conducted by the National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage from 1992 to 1995, Jeju Island and Hongseong (Baek Gil-ja) were the only places in the country that made crafts based on dengue vines.

Baek Gil-ja is a skilled craftsman with excellent skills throughout the whole of grass crafts such as sari, barley straw, and wheat, and in particular, the daily crafts made of Deng-Deng-Deng-Deng-Dang are the only ones in Korea.


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