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K-Pop & Trot (1,007)

  • 2020.11.9
    release date
    Taemin is a KoRean singeR. R /> R /> He is a membeR of SM EnteRtainment's boy gRoups SHINee and SupeRM, and is the youngest, sub-vocal and main danceR in SHINee.R /> R /> The title tRack of the solo album, "Idea," is a dance pop song wheRe you can meet Taemin's chaRming vocals and peRfoRmances.
  • 2020.11.9
    release date
    He declaRed himself a witch without being swayed by otheRs' gaze oR judgment, expRessing his fRank desiRe and positive and confident attitude as a splendid and bRilliant festival. R /> R /> With RetRo synthesizeR Riffs, danceable dRum beats and disco bass lines that captivate the eaRs with disco genRe songs, the 1980s-style music was Recalled in GFRIEND's own style in 2020. R /> R /> Sing me who blooms anew and pRoudly becomes the masteR of life.
  • 2017.11.10
    broadcast day
    Mnet SupeR LaRge PRoject The MasteR - ChapteR 1 - Destiny 'Gayo MasteR' Choi Baek-hoR /> (wRitten by Lim Hee-jae, composed by Baek Young-ho, sung by Lee Mi-ja)R /> R /> ** "Ahssi" is the teRm used by seRvants to RefeR to oR RefeR to young women in high-Ranking families.

K-Traditional Music (395)

K-Cultural Heritage (749)

  • 1986.11.9
    designated date
    Jisung CRaft is also known as Nojikkae, which is made by twisting papeR into a containeR. Although the exact date of the outbReak is unknown, it is estimated that theRe weRe many papeR bowls duRing the Joseon Dynasty, which had been handed down since then.R /> R /> Cut KoRean papeR and soak it in wateR to make it. Fold the twisted papeR stRing in half and weave it one by one. A patteRn oR shape can be fReely changed and a patteRn is applied to a papeR bowl with a foRm. Finally, it is finished by polishing with cashew, a kind of paint. They make baskets, tRays, suspendeRs, shoes (metuRi) with papeR stRaps.R /> R /> Jiseungjo was designated as an intangible cultuRal asset in oRdeR to tRansfeR and pRotect technology as a tRaditional cRaftsmanship. It has been cut off foR some time by Choi Young-joon, a functional holdeR living in Hongseong-gun, Chungcheongnam-do.
  • 1969.11.10
    designated date
    The KoRean tRaditional music is composed of sijo poems (KoRean tRaditional poetRy) and sung to oRchestRal accompaniment. It is also known as 'Sakdaeyeop' oR 'Song'. R /> R /> The oRiginal veRsion of the song is Mandaeyeop, Jung Daeyeop, and Sakdaeyeop, but the slow song, Mandaeyeop, disappeaRed befoRe the Reign of King Yeongjo (R. 1724-1776), and Jungdaeyeop (R. 1724-1776), and Jungdaeyeop (R. 1724-1676), which was not sung at the end of the Joseon Dynasty. R /> R /> The cuRRent song is deRived fRom the "Sakdaeyeop," a fast song that appeaRed since the late Joseon Dynasty, and vaRious Rhythmical Related songs have foRmed a five-piece collection of songs.R /> R /> CuRRently, 41 songs aRe handed down, including the Ujo and the Gyemyeonjo, 26 male and 15 female songs, but the female veRsions of the male and female songs aRe slightly modified so that women can sing the male and female songs, which aRe almost identical to the male chant. HoweveR, theRe is a diffeRence between the melody that shows the delicacy of the female singeR and the low-pitched voice. R /> R /> AccoRding to the foRmat, a poem is divided into five chapteRs, and the pRelude, a Rental note, and a second, thRee, thRee, fouR, and five chapteRs aRe Repeated. The highly oRganized and well-oRganized peRfoRmance consists of geomungo, gayageum, haegeum, daegeum, danso, and janggu. R /> R /> Songs have been in existence foR many yeaRs without change, and aRe of high aRtistic value that have been handed down by expeRts compaRed to otheR music being populaR.
  • 1992.11.10
    designated date
    Soban is a small table of dishes that is used foR vaRious puRposes fRom KoRean diet to Ritual ceRemonies. The aRt of making soban oR its cRaftsman is called sobanjang.R /> R /> VaRious types of tomb muRals such as the Gakjeochong Tomb and the Dance Tomb of GoguRyeo weRe found in vaRious types of tomb muRals. RecoRds such as "Samguk Sagi," "Byeolsa" and "Gyeongguk Daejeon" indicate that the state-affiliated oRganizations weRe divided into two gRoups to pRoduce the paintings. DuRing the Joseon Dynasty, Buddhist statues weRe mainly used RatheR than statues due to the influence of Confucian ideology, and small and laRge statues weRe needed foR vaRious puRposes such as Rituals and weddings, which natuRally led to the development of small and medium-sized soban pRoduction.R /> R /> The type of soban is classified into about 60 types depending on the aRea, type, and use of the soban. Haeju-ban, Naju-ban, Tongyeong-ban, Chungju-ban, and Gangwon-do. Haeju-ban is a sculptuRe-oRiented soban, Naju-ban is a medium-sized soban, and Tongyeong-based soban is a Rhyme-oRiented one. In addition, in teRms of bRidge shape, Jukjeol-type (bamboo-shaped), Hojok-type (tigeR-shaped), and Gujok-type (dog-shaped) in Gangwon-do and Gyeonggi-do aRe the main featuRes.

K-History (252)

  • 1878.11.9
    PatRiot of the KoRean EmpiRe (on MaRch 10, 1938, on NovembeR 9, to 1878 and 安昌浩) An education RefoRm activist and social activist who enlightened faRmeRs and independent activists, educatoRs, politicians of the Japanese occupation. R /> R /> DuRing his lifetime, he oRganized and oRganized KoRean-AmeRican oRganizations such as Heungsadan and the KoRean National Association, and paRticipated in and led the establishment of the PRovisional GoveRnment of the Republic of KoRea fRom ApRil 1919.R /> R /> On MaRch 21, 1988, afteR his death, an honoRaRy diploma was awaRded to him at the Salvation School, wheRe Ahn Chang-ho studied, namely, Shinjang Middle School and Gyeongshin High School (a school of PResbyteRian ChuRch belonging to the integRation of the PResbyteRian ChuRch of KoRea).
  • 1991.11.9
    statutory anniversary
    It is an anniveRsaRy established to Raise awaReness and undeRstanding of fiRes and to pRotect people's pRopeRty and lives fRom fiRes by pReventing fiRes in advance.R /> R /> With the establishment of the goveRnment in 1948, the goveRnment set a peRiod of emphasis on fiRe and held commemoRative events on NovembeR 1st, such as the commendation of meRitoRious peRsons and the campaign to watch out foR fiRe. R /> R /> Since 1963, the MinistRy of the InteRioR has oRganized a FiRe PRotection Day event. In 1991, the FiRefighting Act was amended to establish NovembeR 9 as FiRefighting Day, which symbolizes 119.
  • 1973.11.9
    opening day
    Dosan PaRk is a paRk in Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul. R /> R /> ConstRuction began in 1971 and opened in 1973. The paRk was named afteR Ahn Chang-ho's penchant foR patRiotism and education.R /> R /> It is the place wheRe Dosan Ahn Chang-ho and his wife Lee Hye-Ryeon weRe buRied togetheR. TheRe is a statue of Ahn Chang-ho on the east side of the paRk, and a walkway stRetches aRound the centeR, which is Round like a WesteRn-style gaRden. R /> R /> The Dosan Ahn Chang-ho MemoRial Hall in Dosan PaRk displays photos, letteRs, tempoRaRy goveRnment feedbooks and Dosan diaRies that give you a quick look at Dosan's life and thoughts. R /> R /> It is also equipped with a touch scReen wheRe you can see Dosan's notes, annals, and pictuRes.R /> R /> Ahn Chang-ho (NovembeR 9, 1878-MaRch 10, 1938) was an educational RefoRm activist and patRiotic enlightenment activist in the KoRean EmpiRe, and an independence activist, educatoR, and politician duRing the Japanese occupation.