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Search Keyword : Sangryeongsan Mountain

K-Pop & Trot (0)

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K-Traditional Music (4)

  • 2021.6.11
    Recommended music
    The live performance of the Jeongeup Cultural Center's 4th regular performance
  • 2021.7.21
    Recommended music
    The first song on this stage, which began with a quiet long breath of '평조 다스름(Pyeongjo Dasreum)', is 'Sangryeongsan'.

  • 2020.7.31
    Recommended music
    The three songs are called "Geomyeon-gutdodry," "Yangcheongdodry," and "Ujop-gopdori," which are played at the end of the Yeongsan Ritual.

    The three songs have a change in the speed of 'slow-fast-slow.'

    Originally, Sangryeongsan Mountain to Gunak, which is a collection of Yeongsan Hoesang, is classified as the main wind and the three above are classified as the back wind, while the back wind is played as a separate music.

    A thousand years old is a nickname given to the wind behind the Yeongsanhoesang of the National Gugak Center.

K-Cultural Heritage (0)

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K-History (0)

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Special (0)

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