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Search Keyword : the Japan-Korea Treaty of 1905

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  • 1905.11.17
    compulsory treaty date
    the Treaty was signed on Nov. 17, 1905 (the 42nd year of King Gojong's reign), between Park Je-soon, the outside minister of the Korean Empire, and Hayashi Konsuke Hayashi, the Japanese legation in Korea, under the siege of the Japanese military, which calls for delegating the diplomatic rights of the Korean Empire to the Japanese government and dispatching Japanese officials named Tonggam and Director.

    Ito Hirobumi was sent to South Korea's invitation so strongly when he took over to the foundation of Japanese colonial rule and carried out the work. Typically, it took control of Korea's central and provincial governments through the Tonggambu and the board of directors, which meant the early formation of the colonial governing body.

    the official name does not exist because the original title of the Treaty does not exist. therefore, Korean and Japanese academia in a variety of views with ‘Japan-Korea Treaty of 1905’, ‘Japan-Korea Treaty of 1905’, ‘Japan-Korea Treaty of 1905’, the Japan-Korea Treaty of 1907, the second.Convention between Korea and Japan ’, named as ‘Japan-Korea Treaty of 1905’ and ‘foster a Treaty draft of the Korea-Japan diplomatic’.

    the main plot ofJapan-Korea Treaty of 1905the Korean Empire's diplomatic sovereignty to delegate to the Japanese government and install the Japanese Resident-General of Korea and isacheong Korea of Protection Agency and Korean Empire's work.the deprivation of diplomatic rights.
  • 1907.7.14
    Lee Jun Date of death
    In 1905, the Japan-Korea Treaty of 1905 was forced. In a situation where it is difficult for him to escape the crisis of his own country, Gojong decided to seek help from foreign powers and sent three special envoys to the Second World Peace Conference in Hague, the Netherlands. Lee Jun, Lee Sang-seol, and Lee Wi-

    they arrived in the Hague, the Netherlands, and headed for the conference room, but were denied attendance. I didn't get a formal invitation.

    When his participation in the World Peace Conference was thwarted, Lee Jun became ill with great anger. A few days later, on July 14, 1907, Hague envoy Lee Jun breathes his last in a small hotel room in a faraway country.

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